Titus, a Black GSD Mix

My black German Shepherd Mix, Titus

My black German Shepherd Mix, Titus

My Dog's name is Titus. I got him from a shelter in Indiana.

We were told that his mom was a full bred GSD, but the shelter did not know about the dad.

Titus has a good appetite. He eats about 4 cups of food a day.

He is a high energy dog who loves to swim and play with other dogs.

Titus is black with a small patch of white on his chin and chest. He can jump very high and loves to leap over our couch. He is intelligent, able to open gates and find ways out of his crate.

He is very loyal and loves other dogs and children.

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by: Anonymous

Could be Rottweiler or lab mix. But looks a bit like my black shepherd x Rottweiler.

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