Pepper, the Best Dog Ever
by Becky
(Goldsboro, NC)
My dog's name is Pepper.
A family friend owned a female
Shepherd/Husky mix,and he bred her with a full blooded Shepherd. I don't know much else about her parents or background.
There were 5 puppies in the litter. My son picked out one of the females before her eyes were open!
Our next door neighbors took the only male in the litter. Brother and sister grew up together. Also, we have dog-sat many times. She has never had a problem getting along.
Pepper is 13 now, and starting to have some health issues. She is part of our family, and it hurts me to see her hurting. No money for a vet visit. She still greets us at the door, but she is a little slower now.
She seems to injure herself quite often when she gets excited and tries to run and play like a puppy. She will limp for several days, and have trouble going up and down the porch steps. Please pray for our baby girl.