Leptospirosis in Dogs
What is Canine Leptospirosis?
Leptospirosis in dogs is a bacterial
infection caused by
a pathogen called Leptospira.
Infection by this bacteria can cause
chronic liver and kidney disease. And it can be fatal.
Your German Shepherd should have received a
series of
shots. If your dog has received DHLPP, she is protected. It is the L in
But, be aware that the vaccine only covers
two (canicola
and icterohaemorrhagie) of eight different strains. Your dog may still
be susceptible to the other strains.
How is it Transmitted?
This infection is zoonotic. Zoonotic
diseases can be
transmitted from animals to humans. It is transmitted through urine,
bite wounds and ingestion of infected tissues.
People can become infected if urine comes in
with an open wound or mucous membrance. You can also get it if an
infected animal bites you.
What are the Symptoms of Canine
Signs of the disease can be seen as early as
two days
after exposure. But it can also take up to 26 days after contact with
infected urine. Generally, symptoms occur within a week or two.
Severe symptoms include:
- fever up to 104(F)
- shivering
- shock
Less severe cases experience:
- dehydration
- fever
- loss of appetite
- malaise
- thirst
- vomiting
A dog infected with lepto may also show
signs of
jaundice (yellowing of the eyes) due to liver involvement. And she may
be reluctant to move around signifying kidney and muscle pain.
How is it Leptospirosis in Dogs Treated?
Once diagnosed (by a blood test or urine
culture), lepto
can be treated with common antibiotics:
- penicillin
- tetracycline
- erythromycin
In advanced cases, further therapy may be
necessary to
deal with any liver or kidney issues.

The information and
products recommended by german-shepherd-lore.com are not intended to
take the place of expert veterinarian care. Please consult with your
vet and ask about using a natural and alternative approach for the
healthcare and treatment of your pet. Find a holistic vet.