Lassiter August 2, 2012
Lassiter was born into service in 1997 as a Guide Dog for the Blind out of San Rafael, California.
He was career changed and sent home to his raisers, who loved him and cared for him until August 2, 2012 when he passed on to the Rainbow Bridge.
Lassiter raised 7 children and was loved by all who came to know him. He was his mom's constant companion. He was plagued with tumors, arthritis and so many ailments that we as humans would complain about, but he never did. He kept going everyday never showing how much pain he was in.
He was a gorgeous yellow Lab. We love you Lassiter and you will never be forgotten.
May you run now with no pain and free of hurt. Run with your brothers and sisters that have passed before you, and know someday soon we shall see you again.
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