My first GSD is India (now 12 years old) also top sized and never seen anything like her as a puppy - strange looking body, knobby knees, ears took a long time to go up, etc. Our vet said not to worry as she would slow down in her growth but as the months went by she grew and grew and topped out at 105 lbs. and 29.5 inches at the withers. At about 18 months she was spectacular - all the pieces came together..
I imagine your little Halen too may look interesting over the next few months as the top sized puppies take longer to all "come" together but I bet she will be ever bit a show stopper as my India - Grand Beauties very soon.
My first GSD is India (now 12 years old) also top sized and never seen anything like her as a puppy - strange looking body, knobby knees, ears took a long time to go up, etc. Our vet said not to worry as she would slow down in her growth but as the months went by she grew and grew and topped out at 105 lbs. and 29.5 inches at the withers. At about 18 months she was spectacular - all the pieces came together..
I imagine your little Halen too may look interesting over the next few months as the top sized puppies take longer to all "come" together but I bet she will be ever bit a show stopper as my India - Grand Beauties very soon.