Buddy, our great German Shepherd/Boxer/Pitbull Mix
by Rachel
Our dog's name is Buddy. We got him from the Humane Society.
He is a German Shepherd/Boxer/Pitbull mix.
His appetite is excellent, he eats all of the time. I have to slow him down sometimes so he does not over eat.
For exercise, he plays outside, chases the kids and then I will run around the house while he chases me full force. lol He has never been in to playing with toys or fetching but that is ok with me as he plays in other ways. I call it him showing off.
He will act like he is going to attack you, stomp his feet and jump at you. He then wants you to do it back at him as he gets a kick out of it.
He does not bite while playing or ever.
Our dog is an amazing dog, very protective and smart. He knows that when my husband is gone, he is in charge and he lets you know he stands guard and walks around house like he is making sure everything is ok.
As soon as my husband comes home he goes back to being relaxed. He has never bitten anyone, even ones that hurt him. My niece once hit him in the private area with a nerd bullet. Instead of getting her, he took the gun out of her hand and tore it up. I of course got on to my niece for doing it.
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